

Grandall Takes Active Role in National Lawyers' Congress

Grandall Law FirmRelease Date: 2008-10-27

October 27, 2008 – Beijing, China – Grandall partners Mr. LV Hongbing, Mr. LI Chun, Ms. SONG Yin and Mr. LI Shiliang participated in the 7th National Lawyers' Congress in Beijing. Notable attendees included Mr. Zhou Yongkang, a member of Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee; Mr. Meng Jianzhu, State Councilor; Mr. Wang Shengjun, President of the Supreme People's Court; Mr. Cao Jianming, President of the Supreme People's Prosecutor and other dignitaries.

At the Conference, the offices of Grandall Legal Group Shanghai and Tianjin were awarded “One of the Outstanding National Law Firms”, and Mr. Wang Weidong, managing partner of Grandall Beijing Office, was awarded “One of the Outstanding National Lawyers” by the All China Lawyers Associations. Notably, Mr. Li Chun and Mr. Li Shiliang were both elected as Directors of the All China Lawyers Association, and Mr. Lv Hongbing was elected as a standing director.

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