

Hanafiah Ponggawa & Partners (HPRP)-Indonesia

Grandall Law FirmRelease Date:2021-05-24

Hanafiah Ponggawa & Partners (HPRP) is an associate member firm of the Taylor Wessing Network & a member of the ASEAN+ Group, giving clients seamless access to responsive and high-quality legal services internationally, with over 1,400 lawyers in 28 countries.


The firm began as the law office of Mr. L. Hanafiah in 1953, one of Indonesia's first post-independence law firms. Reconstituted in 1990 and reorganized at various times since then, the firm's structure is now Hanafiah Ponggawa & Partners (HPRP Lawyers), with Equity Partners are Al Hakim Hanafiah, Constant M. Ponggawa, Fabian Buddy Pascoal, Andre Rahadian, and Sartono.


HPRP aims to provide first class legal services for local and international clients through maintaining and expanding its presence worldwide. To achieve maximal efficiency in providing high standard legal services, HPRP allocates significant time and resources to supporting and developing our lawyers in their professional careers by providing continuous mentoring as well as state of the art technology and devices.ng continuous mentoring as well as state of the art technology and devices.

伊宁县| 陆川县| 来凤县| 临汾市| 龙门县| 宽甸| 乳山市| 津市市| 星座| 辽宁省| 巩义市| 景泰县| 湟中县| 香港 | 许昌市| 淮北市| 泰兴市| 通榆县| 阿拉善盟| 北海市| 平南县| 邹城市| 鄂托克前旗| 丰宁| 根河市| 泸州市| 股票| 禹州市| 崇明县| 景泰县| 黎平县| 开江县| 万山特区| 札达县| 河间市| 棋牌| 黄龙县| 龙山县| 乃东县| 尚志市| 丰顺县|