

Hashidate Law Office-Japan

Grandall Law FirmRelease Date:2021-05-29

From May 13, 2013, Hashidate Law Office entered a business alliance with Addleshaw Goddard LLP.  Addleshaw Goddard is a major international law firm with offices in London, Leeds, Manchester, Doha, Dubai, Muscat, Hong Kong and Singapore. Aside from the coverage provided by their offices, the Firm is also renowned for its strong network of law firms worldwide which it calls upon for local jurisdictional expertise and support whenever clients need it.

Hashidate Law Office has had a continuing commitment to international business and development since the establishment of our office in 1980, becoming acquainted with Addleshaw Goddard LLP in the process, and has had the pleasure of cooperating with Addleshaw Goddard LLP over the years to provide high-quality legal services to our mutual clients, whether based in Japan or elsewhere in the world. In providing services to our clients in this manner, Hashidate Law Office and Addleshaw Goddard LLP have both built reputations for high reliability.

We believe that Hashidate Law Office is now, more than ever, in a position to make use of its abundant expertise in speedily handling a variety of legal matters to assist our clients, not only with respect to Japanese law (including matters related to the expansion of client businesses into Japan), but also, thanks to the cooperative agreement with Addleshaw Goddard LLP, international legal matters, including cases centered in Europe, the U.S., the Middle East, South East Asia, and other regions. Significantly, in recent years, Hashidate Law Office has used its expertise to assist clients in making inroads into the South East Asia market.

清水河县| 象山县| 那坡县| 会东县| 苍山县| 沁水县| 炎陵县| 西藏| 双鸭山市| 栾川县| 九台市| 会理县| 塘沽区| 宁阳县| 翁源县| 娱乐| 青阳县| 来安县| 丰都县| 平乐县| 博白县| 武穴市| 苏尼特左旗| 通河县| 连平县| 潞城市| 西藏| 东兴市| 开远市| 宝丰县| 读书| 营口市| 灌阳县| 秦安县| 高淳县| 浠水县| 榕江县| 墨脱县| 八宿县| 甘孜县| 莱西市|